▷Curso de Essential guitar chord book

Guitars chords essential in guitar

Este libro de acordes de guitarra pretende ser una guía para aquellos principiantes absolutos que tienen el deseo de comenzar a experimentar con los acordes y sus combinaciones. Cada tipo de acorde está escrito en diagramas que representan su forma de acorde. El uso de los diagramas facilita la memorización de las formas de los diversos acordes y su interpretación.

This guitar chord book is intended as a guide for those absolute beginners who have a desire to start experimenting with chords and their combination. Each type of chord is written on diagrams that represent its chord shape. The use of the diagrams facilitates the memorization of the forms of the various chords and their interpretation.

Simple instruction to read the chord diagram from this book:

How to read chord diagrams

Fretthing fingers notations: 

1) index, 2: middle, 3: ring, 4: pinkie, 0: open string, Example: C major

Low E string, opend (0): ring fingers (3) on the 3rd fret of the A string, middle finger (2) on the 2nd fret on the D string:  open, index finger (1) on the 1st fret if the B string, high E string: open (0). Pinkie finger not used for this chord.

  • Book index👇

  • Major and minor open strings chords
  • Dominant seventh chords
  • Movable chord shapes
  • Major chords
  • Major seventh chords maj7
  • Minor chords
  • Minor seventh chords min7
  • Dominant chords 7
  • Aumented chords - aug (also called#5)
  • Diminished chords - dim7:
  • Suspended Fourdth - sus 4
  • Major sixth chords 6
  • Minor sixht chords - m6
  • Major sixth added nine chords -6/9
  • Seventh flat five chords - 7b5
  • Seventh augmented five chords - 7#5
  • Seventh flat nine chords - 7b9
  • Seventh suspended fourth chord - 7sus2
  • Ninth flat five chords - 9b5
  • Minor ninth chord - m9
  • Major ninth chords - maj9
  • Dominant ninth chords - 9
  • Dominant eleventh chords 11
  • Dominant thirteen chords 13

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